Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Iraqi Freedom 2

HAHAHAH... this is tooooooo funny

You get em Howard !

So Howard Stern's now pissed cuz he thinks he got fired because of BB (Bush Bashing). He really should'nt feel all that left out ... I mean isnt BB the new American pastime ?

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

For fairness sake !

So I was reading this critical review of Fahrenheit 9/11 and just to be impartial lets give Mr. Isikoff and Mark Hosenball an applause for shooting back at Michael Moore for his "distortions" of the facts with "facts". I really hope that Americans don't change their mind just because yesterday they woke up and decided to see F 9/11. There are more pressing issues we face today than what the movie raised for us to decide if we want this govt for another term or not.

Iraqi Freedom

Very interesting article from newsweek. The fact that the transfer of power was so low key should tell us who is really in charge in Iraq and if we will be seeing a change anytime soon.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Whats up with Imperial Hubris

My Weekly Blogs
I was reading the CIA agents interview with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC a few days back ... I have a lot to comment on this .... as soon as I get my thoughts organized :-).

Thursday, June 24, 2004


GWB is a monkey !!! Hoohahahhhhoooo hoohooo