Sunday, July 04, 2004

Lots of stuff

There were a number of interesting stuff in the news recently... namely the "illegal" prisoner swaps between UK, USA and Saudi Arabia , Iran pressing charges on Saddam because of the Iran-Iraq war where Saddam Hussein used chemical wepons that killed thousands of Iranians and finally Gaddafi's daughter saying that she will defend Saddam Hussein... What is the problem with her ?... how can anybody in her right mind defend an evil man like Saddam... I just don't get it. I was shocked and disgusted by it... I understand that the United States bombed Libya in the 80s and killed her sister but if she is justifying that by defending Saddam against a common enemy ... its just SICK !

Message to AISHA GADDAFI: You just proved what a dim-witted individual you are, not to mention you are devoid of any conscience. If you really want to help the Iraqis then use your law degree to take up the cases of the Iraqis who were tortured and killed by the Baathist. I am horrified that people like you can graduate from prestigious law schools without any sense of morality.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Replusive !

July 6, 2004 at 9:16 AM  

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