Monday, July 26, 2004

Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah !

Some people will get this :) Pay attention to the date !!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

And the bodies keep piling...

Yes once again I have to present yet another victim of BB (Bush Bashing) and this time its no other than good ole Whooooopie. Based on Whoopie's comments about Dubya, the saviour of obese people in America (Slim Fast) decided to cut her out as their spokesperson.

According to Whoopie Goldberg, "godspeed to Slim-Fast and its users... everything will be better digested, now that I'm no longer representing them. I only wish that the Republican re-election committee would spend as much time working on the economy as they seem to be spending trying to harm my pocketbook."

Well said Whoopie, I am sure if you keep up with ur BBs you will find a job in the Kerry campaign committe.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Democrat's real enemy !

Yeah believe it or not Ralph Nader is the real enemy of Democrats. He and a few other things were instrumental for Bush winning the presidency last time and he might do it again. He is so important to the Republicans that they are actually funding him and GWB at the same time.!
So this election day make sure you know who you are voting for: IF you vote for Ralph Nader you might as well vote for George W Bush .... there is NO difference !

Monday, July 12, 2004

Deja Vu: Voting Problems In Florida

Have I heard this before ? Touchscreen voting machines didn’t perform as well as devices that scanned paper ballots in this year’s Florida Democratic presidential primary, raising questions about the state’s voting process for the November election, a newspaper reported Sunday.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Another victim of BB...

... now the Park Police chief claims she was fired for speaking against the Bush administration.... needless to say she will join some famous alums such as ex secretary O'Niel, Richard Clark and Howard Stern. I think the administration should understand that Bush Bashing has become the new American pastime... I mean who doesn't do it. We do it when we watch the news, when me meet people at clubs, bars, bus stops, Starbucks, when we watch and hear Dubya and EVERY SINGLE TIME we pass by the monkey cage in our local zoos.

Friday, July 09, 2004


Lets see I havent dun my share of BB (Bush Bashing... America's fav pastime) this week. Here it is... it came as no surprise that the Senate Intelligence Committe struck down all of Bush's reasons for going to war... ummm DUH... we all knew that already ! I think Dubya should come out and be honest and tell the American public why he attacked Iiiiiiiiiraq: "I am the God appointed supreme being of this world and I can do whatever I want because you are all just mere mortals."

Nevertheless, I do appreciate Mr. Bush for getting rid of Saddam... don't know if the world is any safer but I know that the Iraqi people will have a better future without that @&%#^%.


A Moslem clergyman in Bangladesh watched as he let his assistant beat his wife for dowry and for not giving in to his second marriage. This man belongs to Jamaat E Islami which is a Saudi Arabia funded Wahabi organization that suppresses the freedom of women among many other things. It is sad to watch these corrupt useless sons of bitches wrongfully construe the true meaning of Islam for their own worldly purposes. Yeah as u can tell I am absolutely pissed !

Finally !

The world court (The Court of International Justice) ruled the Israeli Wall illegal. Sharon the Evil should realize that animosity cannot be solved by building a wall and alienating the very people who are under occupation. When will Sharon stand trial for the massacres at Sabra-Shatila ?

This is the craziest thing I've heard !

Three Americans went to Afganistan got themselves a house that they turned into a prison and started to detain men with long beards claiming that (the Americans) were from the US military. You can read about this here.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Ethnic cleansing in Darfur

We wont really know for sure how many people have already died in the brutal attacks by the Janjaweed and the Sudanese army but current estimates point that if this goes unchecked at least 300,000 thousand people will die of attacks and starvation (not to mention One million people have already been displaced). Finally, the African Union is sending troops to stabilize the region but it might already be too late.
I don't understand why the world simply turns away from these brutalities until its too late... do we want another flimsy operation by the so called police nations that led to the brutality of the Hutus and Tutsis ? Why do we forget so easily ? If a country claims to be the world's policeman then it should not play with the technicality of the word "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing".

Jumping the gun !

I love when things like this happen :-) NY post trying to "get it first" gets it wrong big time.

Jumping the gun !

I love when things like this happen :-) NY post trying to "get it first" gets it wrong big time.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Lots of stuff

There were a number of interesting stuff in the news recently... namely the "illegal" prisoner swaps between UK, USA and Saudi Arabia , Iran pressing charges on Saddam because of the Iran-Iraq war where Saddam Hussein used chemical wepons that killed thousands of Iranians and finally Gaddafi's daughter saying that she will defend Saddam Hussein... What is the problem with her ?... how can anybody in her right mind defend an evil man like Saddam... I just don't get it. I was shocked and disgusted by it... I understand that the United States bombed Libya in the 80s and killed her sister but if she is justifying that by defending Saddam against a common enemy ... its just SICK !

Message to AISHA GADDAFI: You just proved what a dim-witted individual you are, not to mention you are devoid of any conscience. If you really want to help the Iraqis then use your law degree to take up the cases of the Iraqis who were tortured and killed by the Baathist. I am horrified that people like you can graduate from prestigious law schools without any sense of morality.

I should not be allowed to say the following things about America !

Happy 4th of July. I loved this article :)

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Abu Ghraib general says she met Israeli in Iraq

Here we go... this one will light the fuse in the Middle East for sure. And I will get a number of "I told you so" in my email :).

Friday, July 02, 2004

Reagan Pyramid Nears Completion

Bill Cosby's at it again !

Bill Cosby considered by many the righteous spokesman for African Americans was at it again. I have mixed feelings about this... I will leave the rest for you to decide... I don't think that Mr. Cosby with his doctorate in Education fully understands the spiraling cycle of African American poverty and the lack of hope that it perpetuates.... but then who am I kidding... its Mr. Bill Cosby and he is always right.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

SOB in court

Iraqi dictator (our Middle East poster boy from the 80s) was in court today. He refused to believe that he was not the president of the country anymore calling the invasion illegal... oh well ! At one point he looked around confusingly and asked where his old pal Rummy was. After the judge said that Rumsfield was busy because Bush just doubled his workload (he only wants Rumsfield to read him bedtime stories now) Saddam yelled out "THE REAL CRIMINAL IS BOOOOOOOOOS."

Anyway, on a more serious note, I am glad that Saddam is gone and so are the majority of Iraqis. The invasion of Iraq is a very debatable issue but getting rid of Saddam and his Baath party is not. If the real intention of this war was to just get rid of Saddam and give Iraq back to the Iraqis then it was long overdue.